Crossover Group Post Engagement Strategy

Here’s a mighty strategy I was using last year that was effective, and it’s nowhere near perfect yet.

In 2021, while doing business development and marketing for a startup. I would spend around 1-2 hours per day giving value in groups through a strategy we called, ‘comment marketing’.

I’m going to do another post on the ‘comment marketing’ strategy soon for any of you high-ticket coaches, consultants or service providers.

That strategy was great. We were able to reach $50,000 per month and most of our revenue came from this activity alone.

But we had a problem… The problem with ‘comment marketing’ was the fact that it was a lot like fishing.

You had to sit there. Trawling Facebook groups looking for people that have questions.

Sometimes it would take an hour to find a decent post that we could comment on. Even then, there was no guarantee that it would go viral.

We needed more predictability in our approach. There was born the ‘Crossover Group Post Engagement’ Strategy.

The process worked like this:

1. Find groups full of potential prospects.

2. Create a post in that group that touched on the subject that the group was about.

3. Put anybody that engages with your post into the funnel.

It’s better for me to give you an example so I can explain.

I was working with a consulting influencer that travelled most of the time, which was appealing to our audience. What’s more, he was also spiritual and interested in personal development.

We took the values, and interests of the influencer, as well as current client data. And we used this information to target our ideal customer.

The Rich Roll podcast was among a bunch of podcasts we decided to start testing for lead generation.

The Rich Roll podcast would speak about both spirituality & business. Both of which, were part of the influencer’s values.

We came up with a theory. Our theory was that we believed people in this group would also want to hear our offer. They already matched many of the characteristics that we were looking for.

Surely some of them were also looking to grow an online business?

Turns out that we were right. Many of the Crossover groups that we were targeting did in fact have high-quality prospects that soon turned into leads.

Unfortunately, you had to be very careful though, as there were many people that simply weren’t a good fit for what we had to offer.

Here’s an example post I wrote during our experiment:






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